Ok… to recap… below is a breakdown of the recommended timeframes needed for each section. Keep in mind these time frames are the minimum as depending on the plan for your day and where you are needing to walk for those images — it can be longer. So best to discuss your ideas with me to get a better quote on time.
If you are going to have any photos off-venue, then you need to take into consideration; travel time, walking/set-up time, working around the public, etc. So please discuss this before taking the below timeframe suggestions to heart.
These times are for the sets of photos you will want for your day, everything else thru the day will be more candid and in the moment. But it’s good to have a starting point.
getting ready with hair+makeup
getting ready for partner (no hair+makeup)
first look w/partner
first look w/parent
couples portraits around venue
wedding party images
family portraits
extended family photos
sunset photos
5 hours with wedding party/family, or 3 hours if only you
2.5 hours with wedding party/family, or 1.5 hours if only you
15 minutes for basic
10 minutes for each parent. 15 minutes, if parents are emotional
30 minutes, minimum. ideally 45 minutes.
30 minutes
30 minutes, depending on size of list
25 minutes, depending on size of extended family list
15 minutes + walking time